Leave the top button of your collar unbuttoned for now. Wrap
the tie around the back of your neck, inside the collar, with the seam inward.
Adjust it so that that the wide end hangs about 6” below your beltline (I’m
assuming that if you’re going to wear a tie, you’re also wearing pants).
The Father of Bruck (FOB) passed away on September 13, 2013,
after a protracted battle with cancer, at age 77. I could say he put up a good
fight, but what else is he going to do? At any rate, it seemed like he spent
more time contending with the insurance and medical establishment than with the
disease. I believe the doctors did all they could, probably adding a couple
years to his life, but in the end the disease prevailed.
I’ve had a pretty good life, and I attribute this in no
small part to the FOB’s guidance, example, support, and encouragement. I am
blessed to have had him as a father, and (just about) all who knew him would agree
that he had a positive influence on them. If you measure wealth, as he did, by
the number of friends you have, the standing-room-only crowd at his funeral attested
that he lived and died a truly rich man.
Cross the wide end over the narrow end, and then wrap it
around the narrow end from behind. Then from the front, pass the wide end
through the V created by crossing the wide and narrow ends. This is one half of
the knot. BTW, what we’re learning here is the knot known as the “Double Windsor.”
I don’t know how to tie any other types of tie knots, so you won’t be learning
about them here.
VOBNS readers are familiar with the FOB’s sailing exploits
on Lake Superior, but for reference, here’s a link to some previous dispatches
you may wish to review:
By themselves, these would produce a substantially
incomplete biography. But they do serve as a metaphor for his true orientation,
which is an attitude of utter fearlessness coupled with an indomitable desire
to get the best out of everything in life. He applied this to all of his
various spheres of influence: family, church, professional life, social circles,
and community involvement. And that, I believe, is his true legacy – he was a
guy that you didn’t just make an acquaintance with. If you knew him, he had a profound
influence on you, and quite possibly vice-versa. Either that or you never met
To make the other half of the Double Windsor, move the wide
end over the knot to the other side, then wrap it around back, then through the
V so it’s hanging straight down in front. You’re almost there!

The Bible doesn’t give what I would consider comprehensive
information on exactly what happens to the soul after you die. There is of
course the clear indication that those who reject God and live selfish lives
will start suffering some kind of torment right away, while those who have
faith in Him and live accordingly will be comforted. Clearly the FOB falls into
the latter category, but other than that, who knows? I never was comfortable
with mourners, or those who are attempting to comfort mourners, saying things
like, “I bet he’s up there looking down at us right now and smiling.” I like to
think that, unbound from the earthly shackles of space and time, he’s probably
watching something a little more interesting like the Battle of Hastings or old
Red Wings games with Gordie Howe and the Production Line.
To complete the knot, pass the wide end through the
horizontal loop that you just created and pull it all the way through. You may
wish to tighten it up a bit by holding the knot and pulling down gently on the
wide end, and tugging on other parts of the tie as necessary to make it look
like something Donald Trump wouldn’t fire you for. Now you can button your top
button and snug the knot up to your neck while holding the narrow end down. If
you’ve done everything right, the tip of the tie should be just touching your
belt buckle. If not, take it apart and start over.
The FOB taught me how to tie a tie, several times in fact. I
finally got it down after a few years of dressing for success in my various
engineering positions. The things he taught me are of course innumerable, and
if you’ve made it this far into today’s dispatch, I’m sure I’d lose you if I
attempted to produce such a list. But aside from such things as tying a tie,
changing a faucet washer, and how to strike up conversations with total
strangers, I like to think I’ve inherited at least some of his fearlessness,
zeal for life, and love of people. Before he died, but more so after, in
various situations I have found myself thinking, that’s how Dad would have done
it, or, that’s what Dad would have thought. I believe that for those whose
lives he touched, and who also feel this way, through us he lives on.
Anyone want to buy a sailboat?
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